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Vasiliy Soldatkin

Associate Professor Department of Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring
Кандидат технических наук
Address: Tomsk, 40 Lenina Prospekt, office 419
Campus phone: 1331
Phone: (3822) 70-15-13

Soldatkin Vasily Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring (RETEM) TUSUR, responsible for group project training of the department RETEM TUSUR. He has 15 patents for inventions and utility models, participant of 7 grants of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

Further education: Diploma of professional retraining of TSU "Project Management".

Further training programs: “Infocommunication technologies in the professional activities of a higher education teacher” (36 hours), TUSUR, 2017, “E-learning: employee and the use of electronic and online courses in the educational process” (72 hours), TUSUR , 2017, “Mentors School” - an educational intensive for teachers organized by the Skolkovo Foundation and the NTI Circle Movement together with the Quantorium children's technology park, 2019 “Development of continuing education programs taking into account the characteristics of the target audience” (72 hours ) TSU, 2 019 g

Higher education - TUSUR, awarded the qualification "Engineer" in the specialty "Design and technology of electronic equipment."

He worked at the NIIPP OJSC in the Optoelectronics Laboratory 2008 - 2012.

Works in TUSUR on cafe. RETEM since 2012. In 2013 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty “Optical and optoelectronic devices and complexes” on the topic “Modernization and study of the characteristics of the white LED for surface mounting”

Research interests: optoelectronics, lighting engineering, LEDs.


Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: N-7437-2016)

SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 57144335500)