Институт радиоэлектронной техники (ИРЭТ)
Contact details:
Person in charge of contact information:
No person in charge of contact information
- Отдел контроля учебного процесса ИРЭТ
- Department of Design and Production of Radioelectronic Equipment
- Передовая инженерная школа "Электронное приборостроение и системы связи" им. А.В. Кобзева
- Department of Design of Units and Сomponents for Radioelectronic Systems
- Department of Radioelectronic Technologies and Environmental Monitoring
- Department of Microwave and Quantum Radio Engineering
- Кафедра "Космические радиоэлектронные устройства" (КРУ)
- Кафедра "Системы технологической связи и АСУ ТП" (СТСиАСУТП)
- Кафедра "Цифровое телевидение" (ЦТ)
- Department of Telecommunications and Basic Principles of Radio Engineering
- Department of Industrial Electronics
- Department of Radioelectronics and Communication Systems
- Department of Television and Control
- Department of Physical Electronics
- Department of Electronic Devices
- Department of Radio Engineering Systems
- Department of Physics