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Natalya Shimko

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Associate Professor Передовая инженерная школа "Электронное приборостроение и системы связи" им. А.В. Кобзева
Кандидат экономических наук
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 708
Phone: (3822) 90-01-58
Campus phone: 4040







2014 - Class Rank, State Adviser, Grade 3

2013 - Certified specialist of financial market series 5.0 (Management of investment funds, mutual investment funds and non-state funds (managing company))

2007 - PhD in Economics, Tomsk State University

1998 - Management, Manager. Tomsk state university

1991 - Radiophysics and Electrics, Radiophysics, Tomsk State University


Sphere of scientific interests:

Interaction of authorities, business, universities; National and regional innovation systems; Commercialization and transfer of scientific and technological developments; innovative investment activities; technologies of training; financial institutions of development; small business.

She is the author of more than 30 scientific, educational and methodological works.



Public service (more than eight years): Committee on Management of State Property, Antitrust Policy and Support of New Economic Structures of the Tomsk District Executive Committee; Economic and Analytical Center of Tomsky District Administration; Agency for the Tomsk Region of the Siberian Interregional Territorial Body of the Federal Service of Russia for Insolvency (Bankruptcy) and Financial Recovery; Department of Economics of the Administration of the Tomsk Region; Entrepreneur for 12 years;

Experience in Tusur 19 years. She was the main organizer, developer of normative documentation and performer of the project "Creation and development of student business incubator (SBI) Tusur." Since the creation of the SBI, she has served as Deputy Director for more than 7 years. Deputy Director of the Institute of Innovation (AI) on Investment Policy (3 years).

Within the framework of the Innovative Educational Program, TUSUR developed and participated in the creation of TUSUR infrastructure supporting science and technology entrepreneurship.

Within the framework of the Strategic Development Program, TUSUR is the responsible provider of the establishment and operation of the trust capital fund (the TUSUR Fund), an investment partnership.

She cooperated with the Russian Venture Capital Company (RVC) to support an investment project implemented jointly by RVC, the Tomsk Venture Capital Fund, TUSUR and a private investor. She was Chairman of the Board of Directors; Fund of assistance to innovations.

Other positions:


Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 559706, Elibrary SPIN-код: 2900-5837)

ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6836-2249)

Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: -ffbkPsAAAAJ)