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Petr Polyanskih

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И.о. декана Faculty of Radio Engineering
Address: Tomsk, 47 Vershinina Street, office 235
Campus phone: 1790
Phone: (3822) 90-71-85

Polyanskikh P. A. graduated with honors from RTF TUSUR with a degree in "Secure communication systems" in 2015. currently, he is studying in graduate school, working as an assistant at the Department of RTS and a Junior researcher at the RTS research Institute. Conducts practical classes in the discipline "Statistical theory of radio engineering systems". He has more than 10 scientific publications. Research interests: radar, radio navigation, robotics.

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Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 1061871, Elibrary SPIN-код: 5585-2148)

ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0229-2102)

Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: sAQE1P0AAAAJ)