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Vladimir Tislenko

Профессор Department of Radio Engineering Systems
Доктор технических наук, Доцент
Address: Tomsk, 47 Vershinina Street, office 432а
Campus phone: 2546

V. I. Tislenko graduated from has always been in 1963 up To 1972, an engineer and researcher of the Institute of RS. Associate Professor of the Department (1972), doctor of technical Sciences (2009), Professor (2010), member Of the international public organization "Academy of navigation and traffic management". He was awarded the Medals "veteran of labor" and "100 years of trade unions of Russia", the badge of the Ministry of education "Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation", the winner of the author's team of the Tomsk region competition in education and science (1995). Following the completion of a number of scientific research in the field of space electronics awarded with medals of Federation of cosmonautics of Russia: "Name of the academician M. V. Keldysha service to cosmonautics" (2011), "the First cosmonaut of the Earth Y. A. Gagarin".
V. I. Tislenko-leading lecturer of the Department in the field of statistical methods of signal processing in measuring RTS. He teaches courses "Statistical theory of radio engineering systems", "probability Theory", "Fundamentals of computer design and simulation of radio electronic systems", "Fundamentals of the theory of radio systems and radio control systems", as well as a number of special courses in the framework of two specializations: "Radar systems and complexes" and "radio Electronic systems of spacecraft". Chief scientific officer of the RTS research Institute, participates in and directs the implementation of research works, and participates in several scientific expeditions. In 1985, he led a scientific expedition in the Pacific ocean. he directs the work of post-graduate students in the specialty "radar And radio navigation", under his scientific supervision, five candidates of science were prepared.
Research interests – methods and devices for signal processing in passive and active radar systems, mathematical modeling of RTS. Author and co-author of about 120 scientific publications and reports on research, a number of educational and methodological publications, including the book "Statistical theory of radio systems" (2003), "Statistical methods of signal processing in radio systems" (2007). He has made numerous presentations at scientific and technical conferences both in Russia and abroad.

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