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Elena Malahovskaya

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Младший научный сотрудник Laboratory of Object-Oriented Simulation of Information Systems
Address: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, office 431


2014: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, State and Municipal Administration (specialty)

2016: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Business Informatics  (magistracy)

directions of scientific activity

decision-making, socio and economic development, cognitive modeling,

marketing and communication psychology, pedagogy, digitalization in higher education

Taught disciplines

State and municipal service

basics of clerical work

State Information Resources and Systems

Expert and analytical activity

Expert: Tomsk Customs, Office of the Federal Statistics Service for the Tomsk Region

Other positions:


Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 882992, Elibrary SPIN-код: 3837-7225)

Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: yUkLCNEAAAAJ)