Для возможности связи с абонентом по внутреннему номеру, наберите 8 (3822) 70-15-15

Alexey Fateev

Head of the department Department of Radioelectronics and Communication Systems
Кандидат технических наук, Доцент
Address: Tomsk, 47 Vershinina Street, office 413
Campus phone: 2503
Phone: (3822) 41-33-65

Higher education

Work experience: more than 8 years

Areas of study: microwave technology, antennas, microwave measurements

Directions of scientific work: passive devices of microwave and EHF ranges, antenna measurements

Other positions:


Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 495127, Elibrary SPIN-код: 9520-5516)

Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: AAE-2122-2020)

SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 25929131400)

ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4068-3590)