Galina Panina

Panina Galina Vladimirovna in 1983 graduated from the Biomedical Department of the Tomsk Medical Institute with a degree in biochemistry.
From October 1983 to May 2003, Galina Vladimirovna worked at the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, initially as a senior laboratory assistant, since 1985 as a junior research assistant, and since 1996 as a research associate in the laboratory for studying the mechanisms of the action of physical factors.
In 1996 G.V. Panina defended her thesis "Optimization of Vibrotherapy Parameters for Denervation Syndrome" for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. She has specializations in physiotherapy and vertebro-neurology with the basics of manual therapy, pathological anatomy and histology, is the author of 32 publications, including 3 teaching aids, 3 utility models and 1 patent.
Since May 2003, Panina G.V. began work in the Tomsk branch of the NSAU as an acting, and since May 2004 a full-time assistant professor of the Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Morphology.
Currently, Galina Vladimirovna is an assistant professor of the Department of RETEM TUSUR, she teaches the disciplines "Medical and biological foundations of life safety", "Work safety".