Dmitriy Pokamestov
D. A. Pokamestov graduated from RTF TUSUR in 2013 and since then has been working in TUSUR. In 2017 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Formation of signals for communication systems with sparse code multiple access." Since 2018 he has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of TOR. Conducts classes in the following disciplines: FPGA programming, Multichannel digital communication systems, etc. Research interests - wireless communication systems, digital signal processing, 4G, 5G.
Other positions:
Laboratory of Radio Optics
Научный сотрудникAddress: Tomsk, 47 Vershinina Street, 322
Передовая инженерная школа "Электронное приборостроение и системы связи" им. А.В. Кобзева
Associate Professor
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 7819-9512, Elibrary SPIN-код: 7819-9512)
Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: E-2544-2019)
SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 57188748446)
ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9405-4573)
Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: 32XjC7sAAAAJ)