Aleksey Anikin

He graduated from TUSUR in 2010 in the direction of "radio engineering" with the award of the qualification "Master of engineering and technology". He defended his PhD thesis in 2013.
Research interests: passive radar, small-size direction finding devices.
Author of more than 20 published scientific papers, 6 research reports and 1 invention.
Fellow of the government of the Russian Federation.
Conducts training sessions on the courses "Statistical radio engineering", "Statistical theory of radio engineering systems", "spacecraft Antennas", "Theory and technology of radar and radio navigation", "probability Theory and mathematical statistics", "radio and radio intelligence Systems".
Other positions:
Передовая инженерная школа "Электронное приборостроение и системы связи" им. А.В. Кобзева
Associate ProfessorPhone: (3822) 41-38-89
Лаборатория распространения радиоволн (НИИ РТС)
Старший научный сотрудникAddress: Tomsk, 72 Vershinina street, 201Phone: (3822) 41-38-89
Research Laboratory of Radio Navigation
Старший научный сотрудникAddress: Tomsk, 72 Vershinina street, 209
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 713137, Elibrary SPIN-код: 8143-3562)
Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: E-7750-2014)
SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 55855164500)
ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9747-3266)
Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: 9ndE6vIAAAAJ)