Aleksandr Afanasiev

Phone: (3822) 70-15-99
Afanasev Alexandr Lukyanovich was born in 1950 in Irkutsk. In 1973, he graduated with honors from the history Department of Irkutsk state University with a degree in history and the qualification "historian, teacher of history and social science".
In 1973, he graduated from the Department of pre-October Russian history of the Historical faculty of Tomsk state University (TSU). In 1979, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical Sciences in the specialty " Russian history" on the topic " The socialists-revolutionaries in Eastern Siberia during the revolution of 1905-1907". Student of the doctor of historical sciences, professor of Tomsk state University Nikolay V. Blinov.
In 1977-1979, he worked as a researcher, head of the Department of the Tomsk regional Museum of local lore, in 1979-1982-assistant of the Department of pre-October Russian history of TSU.
Since 1982, he has been working at the Department of history and social work (ISR) of TUSUR. (In 1982-1983 – assistant, in 1983-1990 – senior lecturer; since 1990 – associate Professor). In 1983-1987, he was the head of the TUSUR campaign Group and organized elections to local Councils at the TUSUR polling station. In 1998-2009, he was Deputy head of the Department of ISR, in 1998-2000-Executive Secretary of the selection (admission) Committee of the faculty of Humanities of TUSUR.
Research interests: history of the temperance movement in Russia, history of Siberia, history of TUSUR. Author of 70 scientific and methodological works, including the first in historical science monograph on the history of the sober movement " Temperance movement in Russia during the period of peaceful development: 1907-1914: the experience in community recovery " (Tomsk: TUSUR, 2007).
Participated in all-USSR scientific symposiums on the history of non-proletarian parties in Russia (Kalinin, 1981; Orel, 1985). Advanced training and internships at leading universities in Russia and abroad (Novosibirsk state University, 1984; Moscow state University, 1990; TSU, 2006, 2007, 2014; University of Kent, UK, 2007).
Member of the public movement for a sober, healthy lifestyle in the USSR-Russia from 1984 to the present.
- 2008 Honorary diploma of the Rector of TUSUR.
- 2010 Diploma "Golden pen of Phoenix" from the editorial Board of the Phoenix newsletter of the International independent sobriety Association "for active work in promoting a sober lifestyle".
- 2011 Honorary diploma of the Rector of TUSUR.
- 2012 Diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation "for many years of fruitful work on the development and improvement of the educational process, a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists".
- 2013 Honorary diploma of the Rector of TUSUR. Departmental award of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation "Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation". Diploma Of the Department of culture and tourism and The Department of General education of the Tomsk region "for active participation and assistance in organizing a Social conference" within the XXIII days of Slavic writing and culture in memory of St. Cyril and Methodius. Honorary diploma of the Metropolitan of Tomsk and Asino "for a great contribution to the cause of spiritual and moral education and active participation In the days of Slavic writing and culture".
- 2014 Medal of the International Academy of Sobriety "1914. Anniversary of prohibition in Russia".
- March 10-13 2015 Diploma of the Department for social service and charity of the Tomsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church "for participation in the IV social conference on.
- April 8 2016 "Order of M. D. Chelyshov" of the International Academy of sobriety.
- 2017 Commemorative medal of the Central Committee of the Communist party of the Russian Federation "100 years of the Great October socialist revolution".
- 2019 Honorary diploma of the Rector of TUSUR. Honorary diploma of the Governor of the Tomsk region and Metropolitan of Tomsk and Asino "for diligent work on the assertion of morality and spirituality and long-term participation in the organization of days of Slavic writing and culture".
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 590759, Elibrary SPIN-код: 3909-3635)
Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: AAD-7815-2020)
Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: nCzMLOIAAAAJ)