Marina Kisteneva

Higher education. Specialty: optical and optical-electronic systems. Qualification: optical research engineer.
Kisteneva Marina Grigorievna graduated from the Faculty of Radiophysics of Tomsk State University (TSU) in 1984 with a degree in Optical and Optical-Electronic Systems. In 1991 she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Since 2002 he has been working as an associate professor. In 2009, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the department of design of components and parts of radio-electronic equipment. Kisteneva M.G. - author of more than 100 scientific papers and textbooks. We have 1 patent for an invention.
Pedagogical activity of Kisteneva M.G. is associated with teaching classes in such disciplines as “Optical materials science”, “Materials of nonlinear optics”, “Physical foundations of micro- and nanoelectronics” and “Materials and components of electronic devices”.
Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Professional development
TUSUR, Tomsk. "Intensive English course (Intermediate level)" 100 hours. Number: 702417538109. Date of issue: December 20, 2022;
TUSUR, Tomsk. "Interactive teaching methods and gamification elements in an electronic course" 36 hours. Number: 702417536362. Date of issue: July 6, 2022;
TUSUR, Tomsk. "Electronic learning: development and use of an electronic course in the educational process" 72 hours Number: 702414868923. Date of issue: June 14, 2022.
Educational publications:
Kisteneva, M. G. Radio materials and radio components: Textbook for the discipline “Materials Science and Technology of Materials”, “Materials and Components of Electronic Equipment”, “Radio Materials and Radio Components” [Electronic resource] / M. G. Kisteneva. - Tomsk: TUSUR, 2022. - 268 p. — Access mode:
Simonova, G. V. Optical properties of solids: Textbook [Electronic resource] / G. V. Simonova, M. G. Kisteneva. - Tomsk: TUSUR, 2016. - 126 p. — Access mode:
Simonova, G. V. Optical materials science: Textbook [Electronic resource] / G. V. Simonova, M. G. Kisteneva. - Tomsk: TUSUR, 2013. - 148 p. — Access mode:
Scientific works:
Differential characteristics of the optical transmission spectra of crystals of the sillenite class / Zhurin T.A., Sim E.S., Du V.G., Kisteneva M.G., Shandarov S.M. // Optics and spectroscopy. 2020. T. 128. No. 9 (91231). pp. 1254-1257.
Analysis of the optical transmission of a bismuth silicate crystal during temporal modulation of probing radiation along the wavelength / Sim E.S., Kisteneva M.G., Zhurin T.A., Shandarov S.M. // News of universities. Physics. – 2019. – T. 62. No. 1 (733). pp. 117-123.
Changes in the optical absorption induced by sequential exposure to short- and longwavelength radiation in the BTO:Al crystal / S.M. Shandarov, V.G. Dyu, M. G. Kisteneva, E.S. Khudyakova, S.V. Smirnov, A.S. Akrestina, Yu.F. Kargin // Journal of Physics: Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2017. – V. 169. – P. 012005.
Effect of Sequential Exposure to Short- and Long-Wavelength Radiation on the Optical Absorption in the Bismuth Titanium Oxide Crystal Doped by Aluminum // V.G. Duya, M. G. Kisteneva, S.M. Shandarov, E.S. Khudyakova, S.V. Smirnov, Yu.F. Kargin // Physics Procedia. – 2015 – V. 73 - P. 131 – 135.
Spectral dependences of impurity optical absorption in sillenite crystals / M.G. Kisteneva, E.S. Khudyakova, S.M. Shandarov, A.S. Akrestina, V.G. Du, Y.F. Kargin // Quantum electronics. – 2015. – T. 45. No. 7. – P. 685 – 690.
Dynamics of changes in light absorption in a bismuth silicate crystal induced by laser illumination of the visible wavelength range / Khudyakova E.S., Kisteneva M.G., Shandarov S.M., Kornienko T.A., Tolstik A.L., Kargin Yu. F. // News of universities. Radiophysics. – 2014. – T. 57, No. 8-9 – P. 660-665.
Methods for controlling of the laser-induced absorption in BTO crystal by using of cw-laser radiation / A. Matusevich,A. Tolstik, M. Kisteneva, S. Shandarov, V. Matusevich, A. Kiessling, R. Kowarschik // Appl. Phys. B 96.- 2009. V.96, No. 1. P.119-125.
Spectral dependence of photoinduced absorption induced in a Bi12TiO20 crystal by pulsed radiation with a wavelength of 532 nm / A.L. Tolstik, A.Yu. Matusevich, S.M. Shandarov, S.I. Itkin, A.E. Mandel, Y.F. Kargin, Yu.N. Kulchin, R.V. Romashko // Quantum electronics. – 2007. T. 37. No. 11. pp. 1027 – 1033.
Directions of scientific work:
- Photorefractive materials;
- Optical and photoelectric properties of nonlinear crystals of the sillenite class.
Directions of educational work:
Optical materials science;
Nonlinear optics materials;
Electronic materials and components;
Physical foundations of micro- and nanoelectronics;
Project activities (GPO).
Other positions:
Department of Design of Units and Сomponents for Radioelectronic Systems
Associate ProfessorAddress: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, 008
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 601282, Elibrary SPIN-код: 4125-2442)
Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: AAF-3802-2019)
SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 6508277861)
ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5943-8483)
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