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Dmitriy Soldatov

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Ассистент Department of Innovation Management
Address: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, office 406
Phone: (3822) 70-17-38
Campus phone: 2824




Bachelor's degree 2016: NI TPU, ENIN, direction of electrical power engineering and electrical engineering, specialty relay protection and automation

Master's degree 2018: NI TPU ENIN direction of electrical power engineering and electrical engineering, specialty relay protection and automation

Master's degree 2019: NI TPU, School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, specialty economics and enterprise management

2022 postgraduate course: NI TPU School of Engineering Non-Destructive Testing and Safety, photonics direction

2023: defense of the dissertation in specialty 2.2.8. methods and instruments for monitoring and diagnostics of materials, objects, substances and the natural environment


SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 56161061400)