Viktoriya Vyskrebets

2018 – awarded a Bachelor's degree in Management, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
2020 – completed professional retraining "Pedagogy and Psychology of Education", Tomsk State Pedagogical University
2020 – awarded a Master's degree in the field of Business Economics, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
2021 – completed professional retraining "Teacher of Higher Education", Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Has been working and teaching at the Department of Economics of TUSUR since 2018;
2018 -2019 – Laboratory assistant of the Department
2019 - 2022 – Assistant of the Department
2022 – present - Senior Lecturer
The head of the Russian language Speaking club TUSUR "Bird Talker".
Information about professional growth over the past three years
2022 - ANO VO "Innopolis University", "Digital technologies in the predestination of specialized disciplines".
2022 - TUSUR, "Social adaptation of foreign students"
2021 - Center for Innovative Education and Upbringing LLC; "Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, including new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)"
2021 - Center for Innovative Education and Upbringing LLC;- "Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements for educational organizations in accordance with SP 2.4.3648-20"
2021 - REC "Institute of Continuing Education" Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian Federal University"; "Technologies and tools for effective self-realization of students in the framework of designing an educational path"
2020 - TUSUR, "Corporate services and resources of the electronic information and educational environment of the university"
2020 - Received a certificate confirming English proficiency at the level of B2.
Scientific activities and areas of scientific interest:
Project management, digital economy
He is the author of more than 10 scientific papers, one article of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 1057417, Elibrary SPIN-код: 4128-1157)
ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9101-2714)
Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: uyT0IVUAAAAJ)