Yuliya Labunets
Associate Professor
Кафедра экономической безопасности
Кандидат экономических наук
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 410б
Campus phone: 2962
- State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Tomsk State University”, Faculty of Economics, qualification - taxation specialist, diploma with honors
- State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Tomsk Polytechnic University”, Institute of Language Communication, qualification - translator in the sphere of professional communication, diploma with honors
- “Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin”, 2019 - 2022, postgraduate studies, qualification - Researcher. Teacher-researcher, diploma with honors
Professional retraining:
• Higher education teacher in the era of digitalization, TUSUR, 13.02.2023-26.12.2023, 434 hours, issued on 27.12.2023.
Professional development:
- • Intensive English language course (Upper-Intermediate/Advanced level), TUSUR, 100 hours, 01.09.2023-30.11.2023, issued 01.12.2023;
- •North-West Institute for Advanced Training of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, “Organization and technology of field tax audits”;
- • State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education TSU, Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Tax Accounting Courses.
Participation in conferences:
- 2019 г. 11th International Tax Symposium “Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms” (Tomsk);
- 2019 XIII Scientific and Practical Conference “Tax Administration: Trends, Prospects, Development Priorities”, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Professional Development of the Volga Region Institute for Advanced Training of the Federal Tax Service (Nizhny Novgorod);
- 2020 г. 12th International Tax Symposium “Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms” (Tyumen);
- 2021 13th International Tax Symposium “Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms” (Minsk, Belarus);
- 2021 г. 37th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), (Córdoba, Spain);
2022 14th International Tax Symposium “Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms” (Barnaul);
XV International Symposium “Theory and Practice of Tax Reforms”, Irkutsk, July 2-9, 2023, with the report “Prospects for the Development of Tax Incentives to Support Improvement of the Quality of Life and Employment”.
- TAX POLICY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Mayburov I.A., Advokatova A.S., Andrienko O.V., Bagautdinova I.V., Belozerov S.A., Belomyttseva O.S., Viktorova N.G., Galysheva Yu.A., Goncharenko L.I., Gorodnova N.V., Degtyareva I.V., Dolzhenkova E.V., Zakharova K.A., Ivanov V.V., Karavaeva E.D., Kireenko A.P., Kirova E.A., Koretskaya-Garmash V.A., Koroleva L.P., Krasikova T.Yu. and others. Moscow, 2023;
- RATIONALITY OF THE TAX AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR OF ENTERPRISES IN THE RUSSIAN FORESTRY SECTOR / Labunets Iu.E., Mayburov I.A. Journal of Tax Reform. 2023. Т. 9. № 1. С. 110-127.
- Mayburov I.A. The influence of tax evasion by timber industry enterprises on the development of their property and technical potential / I.A. Mayburov, Yu.E. Labunets // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Economy. 2022. No. 59. P. 231-247;
- Mayburov I.A. Adjustment of similar tax reactions to tax evasion in the Russian timber industry / I.A. Mayburov, Yu.E. Labunets // Finance. 2022. No. 9. P. 43-50;
- Labunets Iu.E. The Impact of the Size of Enterprises on Tax Evasion in the Forestry Industry of Russia / Iu.E. Labunets, I.A. Mayburov // Journal of Tax Reform. 2022. Vol. 8. No 1. Pр. 88-101
- Labunets Yu.E., Mayburov I.A. Factors of tax behavior in the field of income taxation / Yu.E. Labunets, I.A. Maiburov // Belarusian Economic Journal. – 202 – No. 2 (95). – P. 5-13;
- Mayburov I.A., Labunets Iu.E. Taxpayer behavior patterns of firms and their classification /37th IBIMA Conference on 1-2 April 2021 Cordoba, Spain. Conference Proceedings. Cordoba, Spain. Pр. 4193-4198
- Labunets Yu.E. Dependence of the tax burden on the scale of entrepreneurial activity in the Russian timber industry / Yu.E. Labunets, I.A. Maiburov // Journal of Applied Economic Research. 2020. Vol. 19. No. 4. Pp. 458-488;
- Labunets Yu.E. Tax control of VAT refunds in Russia and Scandinavian countries using the example of forestry industries / Yu.E. Labunets, I.A. Maiburov // Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Socio-economic and legal research. 2020. T. 6. No. 2. P. 168-192;
- Labunets Yu.E. Problems of applying the new procedure for conducting desk tax audits for VAT / Yu.E. Labunets // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Economy. 2019. No. 46. P. 127-140;
- Labunets, Yu. E. Industry principle in a risk-based approach to tax control / Yu. E. Labunets // Economy, business, innovation: collection of articles of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference: at 2 o’clock, Penza, June 05, 2019 of the year. – Penza: “Science and Enlightenment”, 2019. – pp. 175-179;
- Labunets, Yu. E. Improving the procedure for questioning a witness during the implementation of the modern mechanism of tax audits / Yu. E. Labunets // Tax administration: trends, prospects, development priorities: Materials of the scientific and practical conference, Nizhny Novgorod, May 29, 2019. – Nizhny Novgorod: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Volga Region Institute for Advanced Training of the Federal Tax Service”, Nizhny Novgorod, 2019. – P. 122-127;
- Labunets, Yu. E. Tax risks of the pricing mechanism in the logging industry / Yu. E. Labunets // Best research work 2019: collection of articles of the XX International Research Competition, Penza, June 15, 2019. – Penza: “Science and Enlightenment”, 2019. – pp. 66-70;
- Grinkevich A.M. Tax control of financial flows of taxpayer activities / A.M. Grinkevich, Yu.E. Labunets // Siberian financial school. 2019. No. 1(132). pp. 52-57;
- Grinkevich, L. S. Peculiarities of taxation of leasing operations / L. S. Grinkevich, O. M. Nikulina, Yu. E. Labunets // Leasing. – 2018. – No. 6. – P. 3-9;
- Labunets Yu.E. Informative methods of tax control of export operations: essence, criteria for assessing performance / Yu.E. Labunets // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. 2010. No. 339. P. 119-122;
- Ryumina, Yu. A. The problem of reimbursement of value added tax: analysis of the main changes in legislation / Yu. A. Ryumina, Yu. E. Labunets // Modern Science. – 2010. – No. 2. – P. 77-82;
- Labunets, Yu. E. Tax control of export transactions in the general tax control system of the Russian Federation / Yu. E. Labunets // Modern science. – 2010. – No. 2. – P. 68-72;
- Grinkevich, L. S. Study of the theoretical basis of the concepts “form” and “method” of tax control / L. S. Grinkevich, Yu. E. Labunets // Modern Science. – 2010. – No. 2. – P. 63-67.
Scope of scientific activity and scientific interests:
- •Finance, behavioral and experimental economics, tax behavior, tax evasion, tax control in sectors of the Russian economy;
- •Tax behavior of enterprises in the Russian timber industry.
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ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8522-4115)
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