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Irina Malkova

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Профессор Department of History and Social Work
Доктор педагогических наук, Доцент
Address: Tomsk, 40 Lenina Prospekt, office 221


  1. In 1984 I entered and in 1990 graduated from the Faculty of History at Tomsk State University, specializing as a Historian and Teacher of History and Social Science. Since her third year she specializes in the application of mathematical, quantitative methods in historical research (group CIPS).
  2. The theme of her doctoral dissertation is "Pedagogical conditions of realization of the project method in a rural vocational school" (the supervisor is professor G. I. Petrova), she defended in 1994 in the Dissertation Council of the Institute for thesis defense of candidate dissertations of the Russian Academy of Education (Novosibirsk).
  3. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is "The concept and practice of organization of educational design in an innovative school" (Professor G. N. Prozumentova, scientific adviser), defended in 2008 at the dissertation council for protection of doctoral dissertations of Tomsk State University.


  1. From 1992 to 1999 she worked at the Institute of Education Development of Siberia, Far East and North: 1992 - 1994. - 1994-1999 - researcher at the Laboratory of Rural Schools Development of Siberia, the Far East and the North; 1994-1999 - scientific secretary of the Institute, scientific supervisor of the theme "Designing the content of education in an innovative school. From 1999 till now I've been working at the TSU Psychology Department: 1999-2002. - from 1999 to 2002 as a senior lecturer of the pedagogics department, from 2003 to 2009 as an associate professor of the psychology department. - From 2010 - professor of the department of general and pedagogical psychology, at present time - professor of the department of organizational psychology at the TSU, professor of history and social work at TUSUR; director of Siberian RSC of the Russian Academy of Education at the TSU.
  2. Nature and main results of scientific activity. The basic direction of scientific activity is research and substantiation of possibilities of project activity for development of education.  Studying of problems of formation of a subjective position in designing has been purposefully studied since 1995 and continues nowadays. Within the framework of this direction under my scientific guidance 6 PhD theses have been defended.
  3. The results of the research were used in the implementation of the priority direction of the national project "Education" in higher education - at Tomsk State University (direction of IPP TSU "Psychological and Educational Technologies"), Tomsk University of Management Systems (direction of IPP TSUR "Organization of group project-based learning"); in secondary education - during the examination in the competition of schools, implementing innovative educational programs (Tomsk region).
  4. Research materials were used in the regional interdepartmental programs to develop a methodology for assessing the innovative content of educational projects; to organize network projects of profile education in the region. Within the framework of FTPro projects, research is being carried out and educational design implementation technologies are being developed to develop the innovative potential of an individual, motivational readiness of young people to innovative activities, for the formation of innovative educational communities. As part of the project "Development and implementation of models of interaction between institutions of general and higher professional education for the implementation of general high school programs aimed at the development of giftedness in children and adolescents" is developing educational programs for the use of educational design for the development of general giftedness of children and adolescents.
  5. Since 2007 she is a member of TSU Dissertation Council on Doctoral Theses (specialty - 13.00.01 (pedagogical sciences)
  6. The total number of scientific works published in Russia is more than 120.


  1. The award of the Governor of the Tomsk region in the sphere of education (2010)


From 29.11.10 to 05.11.11 internship in Germany on the program "Forms and technologies of development of additional professional education"; from 28.05.12 to 03.06.12 training in Germany and the Netherlands on the program "European experience of development of giftedness in children and teenagers", December 2016 training in England (London) for higher education development.

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