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Evgeniy Akeliev

Associate Professor Department of Economics
кандидат экономических наук
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 106


2005 - International Relations, Specialist in international relations. Tomsk State University 


Work experience:

Total work experience is 16 years


Information about professional growth over the past three years

2021 - Advanced training: UTS DPO JSC "Interbridge Consulting" (Chelyabinsk). , " Technical protection of information. Organization of protection of restricted access information that does not contain information constituting a trade secret. ", 216 hours.

2021 - Advanced training: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, "Cloud Project Management Services", 16 hours

2022 - Advanced training: TUSUR, "Intensive English course (Intermediate level)", 100 hours.

2023 - Advanced training: TUSUR, "Motivation and involvement in e-learning", 72 hours


Scientific activities and areas of scientific interest:

The total number of publications is 31, including 5 in the last 5 years, in journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission — 2, 1 monograph.

Knowledge-based economics, Institutional economics, institutions and institutional mechanisms in a knowledge-based economy, innovation and investment, venture business, competitive advantages of the economy and advanced technologies, transformational processes in a market economy, the apologetics of the free market, capitalism and the liberal democratic model of economic development, in general. The Chicago, Monetarist and Austrian schools.


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