Andrey Malchukov

Campus phone: 2967
- • 1999 - 2003: Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Bachelor of engineering and technology, major "Informatics and Computer Science".
- • 2003 - 2005: TPU, master's degree of engineering and technology, major "Informatics and Computer Science".
- • 2023: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), professional retraining in the program "A university lecturer in the era of digitalization".
Professional career
Since 2006, he has worked as an Assistant at the Department of Computer Engineering of TPU, and since 2010 he has worked as an Associate Professor. Since 2020, he has been an external part-time Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems Security at TUSUR. Since 2021, he has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems of TUSUR.
Honorary titles and awards
- • Medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "For the best student work", 2005.
- • Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006.
Scholarly endeavor
Development of decoders of noise-resistant block polynomial codes on FPLD.
Scientific and Methodological work
Learning and teaching support materials of the discipline "Electronics and Circuit Engineering", including example projects for its course projects on the DE10-Lite board.
- Ulyanovsk A. E., Malchukov A.N., Implementation of a message decoder for an automatic dependent monitoring system-broadcasting on FPGA // Modern technologies, economics and education collection of materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference, Tomsk, September 2-4, 2020 — Tomsk : TPU Publishing House, 2020. — pp. 134-136
- Ryzhova S.E., Mytsko E.A., Malchukov A.N., Comparative analysis of implementations of BCH code decoders with parameters (15, 7, 5) on FPGA // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Management, computer engineering and computer science. - 2019 - №. 46. - C. 98-107
- Mytsko E.A., Ivanov S.D., Malchukov A.N., Research of software implementations of decoders of cyclic noise-resistant codes correcting packet errors with a shortage of resources // Devices and systems. Management, control, diagnostics. - 2018 - №. 9. - C. 27-36
- Mytsko E.A., Ivanov S.D., Malchukov A.N., Investigation of algorithms for calculating the CRC8 checksum in microprocessor systems with a shortage of resources // Devices and Systems. Management, control, diagnostics. - 2018 - №. 6. - C. 22-29
- Zoev I.V., Beresnev A.P., Malchukov A.N., Markov N.G., An FPGA-based device for recognizing handwritten digits in images // Computer Optics. - 2017 - vol. 41 - No. 6. - pp. 938-949
- Mytsko E.A., Osokin A.N., Malchukov A.N., CRC checksum. A study of CRC checksum calculation algorithms, Saarbrucken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2013, 180 p.
Study aids
- Osokin A.N., Malchukov A.N. Information Theory, Moscow: Yurait, 2022, 205 p.
- Cheredov A.D., Malchukov A.N., Computer organization, Tomsk: TPU, 2016, 236 p.
- Osokin A.N., Malchukov A.N., Computer circuitry, Tomsk: TPU, 2013, 166 p.
Other positions:
Научно-инжиниринговый центр "Доверенные системы с использованием квантовых технологий и криптографии"
Старший научный сотрудникAddress: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, 404Phone: (3822) 70-15-29
Campus phone: 2967
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 153546, Elibrary SPIN-код: 5138-3392)
Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: A-5693-2014)
SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 57189366796)
ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3115-7126)
Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: ghvT8LoAAAAJ)