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Olesya Zisko

37f0ec94 0c4c 48fc 9d0c e763aaba6681
Senior lecturer Department of Foreign Languages
Address: Tomsk, 47 Vershinina Street, office 119а
Phone: (3822) 70-15-21
Campus phone: 2576

Senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages .

Disciplines taught: "Foreign language"

Education: higher.

Qualification: Bachelor of Education in the specialty 5B011900 "Foreign language: 2 foreign languages", master 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education", profile: "Linguoculturology".

Professional development: "Design and implementation of educational activities in the field of the subject-content module during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard 3++" (2018), "Corporate services and resources of the electronic educational environment of the university" (2018), "Opportunities of information and communication technologies for the effective functioning of the electronic information and educational environment of the University" (2019), "First aid training" (2019), "Technologies for the implementation of online online training programs for additional professional education" (2020), "Pedagogical design in blended learning" (2020), "Professional activity of a teacher in the context of the development of modern education" (2021)

Work experience: 5 years.

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