Aleksey Koshkarev

Senior lecturer
Кафедра экономической безопасности
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 410 б
Campus phone: 2962
- •TSU, 1981-1986, Faculty of Law, specialty - Jurisprudence, qualification - lawyer.
Refresher courses:
- “National Research Tomsk State University“, advanced training on the program ‘Updating the content and methods of teaching the discipline ’Law”, 21.02.2024-11.02.2024, date of issue 02.04.2024.
- “Center for Professional and Further Education LAN” advanced training on the program ‘Effective tools to engage students in learning in an electronic environment’, 18 hours, 06.12.2023-19.12.2023,
- TUSUR “University teacher: rights, opportunities, responsibility” in the amount of 24 hours (professional development certificate from 05.04.2022),
- TUSUR “Modern design of electronic course” in the volume of 16 hours (professional development certificate from 14.02.2022),
- Udostovery Center of Siberia LLC, “Integrated security of information systems” in the amount of 36 hours, 29.06.2018,
- TUSUR “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education taking into account the education of persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities” in the amount of 36 hours, 26.06.2018,
- TUSUR “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education” in the amount of 36 hours, 26.03.2018,
- TUSUR “E-learning: development and use of e-courses and online courses in the educational process” in the amount of 72 hours, 30.11.2017.
- Criminalistics, basics of financial investigation: Educational and methodical manual / Koshkarev A.M. - Tomsk: V-Spectrum; TUSUR, 2018. - 54 с. - ISBN 978-5-91191-396-0. [Electronic resource.]
- Special training: Educational and methodical manual / Koshkarev A. M. - Tomsk: TUSUR, V-Spectrum, 2018. - 100 p.: ISBN 978-5-91191-398-4 [Electronic resource].
- Fundamentals of financial investigation, criminalistics: Lectures for students of 5, 6 courses [Electronic resource] / A. M. Koshkarev. - Tomsk: TUSUR, 2021. - 324 p.
Conference attendance:
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Actualization of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. Law”, February 21-22, 2024.
Area of research and scholarly interests:
- •Forensics
Area of personal interest, personal accomplishments, titles:
- • Colonel of Justice. More than 30 years of work experience in the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee in positions related to investigation
- • Awarded a diploma for 1st place in the nomination: shooting gallery.
- • Letter of thanks from the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Tomsk region for high efficiency, unrivaled optimism and mutual understanding in solving any issues, 2023.
- • Certificate of Merit for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism in training qualified specialists in the field of information and economic security and in connection with the 10th Anniversary of the Security Faculty of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 2024,
- • Certificate of Merit for many years of conscientious work and in connection with the 65th anniversary of his birth, TUSUR 2024.
Other positions:
Кафедра экономической безопасности
Senior lecturerAddress: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, 410 бCampus phone: 2962