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Oleg Kochetkov

Img 3761
Senior lecturer Кафедра экономической безопасности
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 410 б
Campus phone: 2962


Tomsk Institute of Automated Control Systems and Radioelectronics, specialty physical electronics, qualification engineer-physicist, 17.06.1988.

Professional retraining: 

Tomsk State University, professional retraining in the program "Advanced Technologies in Education and Educational Services". 06.07.2020-13.11.2020

Refresher courses:

  1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics", advanced training on the program "Neural networks in the service of the teacher", 11.12.2023-20.12.2023, 36 hours,

  2. Effectiveness of digital education: from goals to results. Basic course, Yurait Academy, 72 hours, 17.07.2023,
  3. Organizational and technical measures on information protection and import substitution in the organization, TUSUR, 24 hours, issue date: 04.03.2023,
  4. Directing a digital course, Yurait-Academy, Yurait-Academy, 18 hours, 30.03.2023,
  5. Flexible skills: competencies of the new FSES. Basic course,Yurait-Academy, 72 hours, 30.01.2023,
  6. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Cross-cutting technologies . Internet of Things, Robotics, Information Security (module Information Security)", 80 hours, 16.09.2020-02.11.2020
  7. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Advanced technologies in the sphere of education and educational services. Development and implementation", 32 hours, 03.11.2020-13.11.2020
  8. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Cross-cutting technologies . Information infrastructure, digital environment and artificial intelligence", 20 hours, 03.11.2020-13.11.2020
  9. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Machine Learning", 16 hours, 13.07.2020-17.07.2020
  10. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Advanced technologies in the sphere of education and educational services. Design and development", 54 hours, 21.09.2020-19.10.2020
  11. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Advanced technologies in the sphere of education and educational services. Specification and design", 36 hours, 20.06.2020-24.06.2020
  12. Tomsk State University, advanced training on the program "Advanced technologies in the sphere of education and educational services. Analysis and specification", 32 hours, 06.07.2020-10.06.2020
  13. LLC "Udostovery Center of Siberia", from 26.06.2018-29.06.2018, advanced training on the program "Complex security of information systems", 36 hours, date of issue 29.06.2018
  14. FGBOU VO TUSUR, "E-learning: development and use of electronic and online courses in the educational process", 72 hours, 30.10.2017
  15. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics", advanced training on the program "Pedagogical Activity in Higher School", 36 hours, date of issue 22.12.2017


  1. Modern state of finance and trends determining their development Avdyushina M.A., Davaasuren A., Ageeva E.V., Arbatskaya T.G., Banokin P.I., Bubnov V.A., Bubnova Y.B., Vasilieva M.N., Vakhrushkina E.S., Gavrilov Y.E., Gavrina A.S., Glukhareva S.V., Gorchakova M.E., Dalbaeva V.Y., Danilov R.M., Zhigas M.G., Zhilan O.D., Zandansuren O.U., Zvyagintseva N.A., Ivanova D.V., et al. Irkutsk, 2023.
  2. USE OF THE 1C PRODUCT IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF SKILLS IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMIC AND INFORMATION SECURITY BY SPECIALISTS Borisov A.E., Kochetkov O.V. In the collection: Modern education: integration of education, science, business and government. Transformation of education, science and production is the basis of a technological breakthrough.materials of the international scientific and methodological conference. At 2 o'clock. Tomsk, 2023. P. 54-57.
  3. FINANCIAL AND LEGAL LITERACY OF ECONOMIC ENTITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY Avdyushina M.A., Ageeva E.V., Andreev P.A., Andreeva E.V., Aladin V.T., Ardashev A.O., Asadullina N.R. ., Anzhenko T.A., Baldandorzhieva A.V., Barasheva E.V., Bakhmatov S.A., Belyakova K.M., Borisenko P.I., Bubnov V.A., Gavrilov Yu.E., Glukhareva S.V., Gorchakova M.E., Grankin M.V., Dalbaeva V.Yu., Danilov R.M. and others. Irkutsk, 2022.
  4. MODERN TRENDS IN THE FINANCIAL SPHERE Avdyushina M.A., Ageeva E.V., Alakhverdieva S.V., Arbatskaya T.G., Afonasova M.A., Balashova N.V., Basova A.V., Bogomolova A. V., Verezubova T.A., Vinogorov G.G., Glukhareva S.V., Gorchakova M.E., Groshev A.R., Danilov R.M., Zhigas M.G., Zhilan O.D. , Kislitsyna L.V., Kovtun L.R., Koltais A.S., Konev A.A. and others. Irkutsk, 2021.
  5. NATIONAL ECONOMY AND FINANCE IN THE CONTEXT OF NEW CHALLENGES, UNCERTAINTY AND DIGITAL THREATS Avdyushina M.A., Ageeva E.V., Anzhenko T.A., Balashova N.V., Bubnova Yu.B., Buldishova L.S., Gavrilov Yu.E., Glukhareva S.V., Gorchakova M.E., Gurinova D.V., Dalbaeva V.Yu., Danilov R.M., Ermolaev K.Yu., Zhigas M.G., Zhilan O. D., Zvereva T.M., Zvyagintseva N.A., Izmailova M.O., Kislitsyna L.V., Kovalevskaya N.Yu. and others. Irkutsk, 2021.
  6. USE OF A DIGITAL PLATFORM FOR COOPERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Glukhareva S.V., Kochetkov O.V., Loboda Yu.O., Rekundal O.I. In the collection: Modern education: increasing the competitiveness of universities.Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference, in 2 parts. Tomsk, 2021. p. 85-88.
  7. A MODEL OF INTERACTION OF A UNIVERSITY WITH ENTERPRISES BASED ON A NEURAL NETWORK Orlova V.V., Loboda Yu.O., Kochetkov O.V., Glukhareva S.V., Nozdrevatykh D.O., Rekundal O.I., Pikalova L.R. In the collection: NATURAL AND INTELLECTUAL RESOURCES OF SIBERIA (SIBRESOURS-26-2020).26th international scientific and practical conference. Tomsk, 2020. p. 81-86.
  8. PROTOTYPE OF COMMUNICATION-COGNITIVE PLATFORM FOR FORMING META-TEAMS Orlova V.V., Glukhareva S.N., Loboda Yu.O., Nozdrevatykh D.O., Kochetkov O.V., Rekundal O.I. Sharygin readings: All-Russian scientific conference of leading scientific schools in the field of radar, radio navigation and radio-electronic information transmission systems. 2020. Vol. 1. No. 1. p. 257-265.
  9. PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE COMPETITION AS A TOOL FOR ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY GAZPROM TRANSGAZ TOMSK LLC Sidelnikova M.V. In the collection: SOCIETY - SCIENCE - INNOVATIONS.collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2019. p. 142-143.
  10. DEVELOPMENT OF A MECHANISM FOR AUTOMATED CHECKS OF CONTRACTORS BASED ON EXISTING METHODS OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA AND THE FTS Koltais A.S., Koltais A.A., Kochetkov O.V., Nechaeva I.A. Electronic means and control systems. Materials of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2018. No. 1-2. p. 106-108.

Letters of Appreciation:

  1. Letter of thanks as a curator of the program of the project “Digital Chair” TUSUR for the professional approach and responsible attitude to work in the implementation of the project “Digital Chair” TUSUR, 2024,
  2. Certificate of Merit for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism in training qualified specialists in the field of information and economic security and in connection with the 10th Anniversary of the Security Faculty of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 2024.


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