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Vladimir Tarasenko

Профессор Department of Data Processing Automation
Доктор технических наук, Доцент
Address: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, office 415-б
Phone: (3822) 70-15-91
Campus phone: 2010


1977: Tomsk State University. Applied mathematics (specialty)

Academic degrees and titles

1988: candidate of technical sciences, Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks

2000: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Mathematical and software of computers, complexes and computer networks

directions of scientific activity

System theory and system analysis

Theory of Petri nets

Management theory and practice

Automated information systems in geology, medicine and education



Taught disciplines

Applied system analysis and information and analytical systems in state and municipal administration

Management theory


2001: Laureate of the Tomsk Region Prize in Education and Science

2017: certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Expert and analytical activity

Member of the Dissertation Council D 212.268.05  on a specialty 05.13.10 - management in social and economic systems

Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Tomsk Polytechnic University, specialty - software engineering


Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 104599, Elibrary SPIN-код: 5108-0310)

Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: O-5848-2014)

SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 57193431337)