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Viсtor Rulevskiy

Rulevskij vm
Rector University Administration Services
Доктор технических наук, Профессор
Address: Tomsk, 40 Lenina Prospekt, office 211
Campus phone: 1001
Phone: (3822) 51-05-30

Graduated cum laude from Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2003, completing a Master program in Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Electrical Technology.  Joined the team of TUSUR Research Institute of Automatics and Electromechanics as a Junior Researcher (2003), later taking the position of the Head of Department 14 Laboratory (2010), Deputy Director for Development Projects (2012), Deputy Director for Research (2015). Since 2016, he has been the Director of the Research Instituteof Automatics and Electromechanics.

In June 2018, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Research of TUSUR University. In 2019, he was elected Rector of TUSUR Unversity.

Doctor Rulevskiy has authored over 50 publications: study guides and scientific works, including two monographs, 12 patents for invention and inventor’s certificates.

He is the supervisor and aresearch team member in a number of major power electronics development projects implemented by the Research Institute of Automatics and Electromechanics:

  1. Multipurpose power supply systems for remote-operated unmanned submersibles from a parent vessel with up to 60 kW available and a depth of submersion of up to 6000 m; these systems are used by Yuzh Mor Geologiya, Gelendzhik;
  2. Automated testing equipment for comprehensive checks andtesting of spacecraft power supply systems and software/hardware complexes for cryo-vacuum and thermal balance testing; this equipment is used by a number of majorenter prises in the space industry: Information Satellite Systems Reshetnev (Zheleznogorsk), Progress Rocket Space Center (Samara), Saturn PJSC (Krasnodar), Rocket and Space Corporation Energia (Korolyov), NPO Lavochkin (Khimki).


Doctor Rulevskiy dedicates a significant share of his work to teaching Master, Specialist, Candidate and Doctorate students. 
He teaches courses in Automated Distributed Control Complexes and Microprocessor Devices.


He is a recipient of a medalof the Tsiolkovsky Federation of Cosmonautics; a medal of merit awarded by the Governor of Tomsk region; awards of the Ministry, Administration of Tomsk region and TUSUR.

Key publications

Study guides

  1. Yu. N. Dementyev; V. B. Terekhin;I. G. Odnokopylov; V. M. Rulevskiy. Computer simulation of electromechanical AC-DC systemsin MATLAB Simulink [in Russian] / Study guide. Tomsk Polytechnic University. – Tomsk:Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing, 2018. –497 p. ISBN 978-5-4387-0819-3.
  2. Yu. A. Kremzukov; V. N. Mishin; V. A. Pchelnikov; O. V. Bubnov; V. M. Rulevskiy; Yu. A. Shinyakov; Yu. A. Shurygin. Designing modulesimulators of solar panels of automated test equipment for power supply systemsin automated spacecraft. [in Russian] / Study guide. Tomsk.: TUSUR, 2018. – 86 p.  ISBN 978-5-86889-759-7.
  3. V. M. Rulevskiy; V. N. Mishin; I. V. Tselebrovsky; Yu. A. Shurygin. Nuances of thermal operation modes of submersible transformers in power supply systems of remote-operated unmanned submersibles. [in Russian] / Study guide. Tomsk.: TUSUR, 2018. – 76 p. ISBN978-5-86889-766-5.

Scientific works

  1. V. M. Rulevskiy. Nuances of thermal operation modes of submersible transformers in power supply systems of remote-operated unmanned submersibles. [in Russian] Teplovye Protsessy V Tekhnike. Moscow. – 2015. – Vol.7.– №1. – Pp.43 – 48.
  2. A. G. Yudintsev; V. M. Rulevskiy. Control system for anautonomous PWM three-phase inverter with. [in Russian] Fundamentalnye Issledovaniya.Moscow. – 2015. – №5. – Pp.168 – 173.
  3. V. M. Rulevskiy; D. Yu.Lyapunov. MatLab/Simulink-assisted mathematical simulation of a power supply system for a remote-operated unmanned submersible with AC power transmission via SPC cable. [in Russian] Sovremennye Problemy Nauki I Obrazovaniya. Moscow. – 2015. – №2.
  4. A. S. Petrusev; V. M. Rulevskiy; Ye. Zh. Sarsikeyev; D. Yu. Lyapunov. Solar tracker with active orientation. 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). Chelyabinsk Year: 2016.
  5. V. M. Rulevskiy; A. A. Pravikova; D. Yu. Lyapunov. Autonomous inverters' PWM methods for remotely controlled unmanned underwater vehicles. 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applicationsand Manufacturing (ICIEAM). Chelyabinsk Year:2016.
  6. V. M. Rulevskiy; A. A. Pravikova; A. A. Lyapunov; V. G. Bukreyev. Mathematical simulation of a power supply system in a remote-operated submersible with AC power transmission via SPC cable [in Russian] // Proceedingsof TUSUR. – 2017. – Vol 20 №1. – Pp. 131–135.
  7. V. M. Rulevskiy, V. A. Pchelnikov, Yu. A. Shurygin. Research Institute of Automatics and Electromechanics – development of power supply systems forremote-operated unmanned submersibles [in Russian] // Proceedings of TUSUR. –2017. – Vol 20 №3. – Pp. 31–34.
  8. V. M. Rulevskiy; O. V. Bubnov; Yu. A. Kremzukov; V. A. Pchelnikov. Automated workplace for adjustment and testing of power conditioning equipment for spacecraft power supply systems [in Russian] // Proceedings of TUSUR. – 2017. – Vol 20 №3. – Pp. 35–39.
  9. V. M. Rulevskiy; V. G. Bukreyev; E. B. Shandarova. Multivariate simulation of a power supply system for submersible processe quipment [in Russian] // Bulletin of Tomsk Polytechinc Univeristy. Inzhiniring Georesursov– 2018. – Vol. 329. – №4. – Pp. 119–131.
  10.  N. N. Tsebenko; A. V. Ivanov; V. A. Pchelnikov; A. A. Pravikova; V. M. Rulevskiy; A. V. Fyodorov. Comparison of implementation variationsof a voltage measurement subsystem for control module in a Li-ion battery [in Russian]// Proceedings of TUSUR – 2018

Other positions:


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