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Lyubov Zhidova

Associate Professor Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems
Кандидат педагогических наук, Доцент
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 509
Phone: (3822) 70-15-29
Campus phone: 2961


  • 1995-2000: Tomsk State Pedagogical University, major "Mathematics".

Professional career

Since 2000, Lyubov Zhidova has worked as an assistant, then as a senior lecturer and associate professor at the Department of Mathematical Analysis. In 2008 she graduated postgraduate study with a major in "Theoretical Physics". In 2009 she defended her PhD thesis in the major of "Theory and methodology of vocational education". In 2014, Zhidova L.A. joined the team of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics as an associate professor of the Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems TUSUR.

Honorary titles and awards

Certificate for a great contribution to the development of the general education system and the training of teachers from the Department of General Education of the Tomsk region (2009).

Scholarly endeavor

Her research and teaching expertise is reflected in more than 30 works. Field of scientific interests: Theory and methodology of training specialists in higher educational institutions.

Scientific and Methodological work

Development of work programs and teaching aids.


  1. Zhidova L.A. On special solutions of the Clerault equations in the theory of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. News of higher educational institutions. The Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences. 2020. No.2. pp. 38-44.
  2. Zhidova L.A., Ryskina L. L. Solution of Clerault partial differential equations with logarithmic function. News of higher educational institutions. The Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences. 2019. No.2 (50). pp. 28-35. 
  3. Zhidova L.A., Ryskina L. L. A Clerault-type partial differential equation with a power function. Bulletin of the Buryat State University. Mathematics, computer science. 2019. No. 1. pp. 41-48.
  4. Zhidova L.A., Zyryanova O.V., Kholmukhammad F. Differential equations in the professional training of a mathematics teacher. Bulletin of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 2017. Issue No. 1(178). pp. 75-78.
  5. Zhidova L.A. Formation of professional competencies of future mathematics teachers (on the example of studying the course "Mathematical analysis"). Scientific and Pedagogical Review (Pedagogical Reivew). 2017. Issue No. 1(15). pp. 81-84.
  6. Zhidova L.A., Mudruk V.I., Kholmukhammad F. On the problem of formation of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics and physics. Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. 2017. Issue No. 4(181). pp. 84-88.
  7. Zhidova L.A. On the problem of formation of professional competencies of masters. The development of pedagogical education in Russia: Materials of the I All-Russian Scientific and Methodological Conference with international participation, 2018, pp. 182-187.


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