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Leonid Turuntaev

Associate Professor Department of Data Processing Automation
Кандидат технических наук, Доцент
Address: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, office 404
Phone: (3822) 42-87-40, (3822) 41-47-01
Campus phone: 2025


1973: Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, applied mathematics with a specialization in operations research, (specialty)

 1976: Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, economics of industrial enterprises, (specialty)

Academic degrees and titles

1987: candidate of technical sciences, “Management in social and economic systems”

1990: associate professor, “Management in social and economic systems”

directions of scientific activity

decision support systems in general and vocational education

Taught disciplines

Operations research, Decision theory, Project Management in State and Municipal Administration


1997: USSR ENEA bronze medal for the development of the industrial ACS of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR and the standard ACS of the university


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