Inga Afanasieva
In 2002, she graduated from TPU with a degree in Management and Informatics in Engineering Systems. In 2019, she graduated with honors from TSPU in the field of Pedagogics and Psychology, Psychology and Pedagogy of Education Master's program. At the moment, she is a post-graduate student at TSPU in the field of Education and Pedagogical Sciences, the program: Theory and Methods of Professional Training.
She is an author of 9 scientific articles and reports at Russian and international conferences.
From 2004 to 2007, she worked as an Executive Secretary in the Selection Committee of the Faculty of Economics. From 2015 till 2018, she worked as a Deputy Executive Secretary in the Selection Committee of the Faculty of Computation Systems.
Currently, she works at the Department of Economic Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics as a Senior Teacher where she is also the Deputy Head of the department for educational and methodological work.
She delivers lectures and gives practical classes in such disciplines as Information Technologies of Information System Design, Theory of Information System Design, Professional Basics.
She is a supervisor of the practical training, curator of the first and second year students, and consultant for the graduate qualification works.
Other positions:
Department of Economic Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics
Senior lecturerAddress: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, 422Phone: (3822) 90-01-87
Campus phone: 2820
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