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Svetlana Gorbunova

Senior lecturer Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 410б
Phone: (3822) 70-15-29
Campus phone: 2951


  • •Moscow State University of Commerce, 1996 - 1999, specialization - Finance and Credit, qualification - economist.
  • •Yurginsky Mechanical College, 1993-1995, specialization - economic and legal activity, qualification - lawyer-accountant.

Teaching experience:

  • •19 years

Refresher courses:

  1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics", advanced training on the program "Neural networks in the service of the teacher", 11.12.2023-20.12.2023, 36 hours,
  2. PUE "Center for Professional and Further Education LAN", advanced training on the program "New effective tools to engage students in e-learning", 18 hours, 10.10.2023-23.11.2023,

  3. Baikal State University, 2020, "Modern technologies of lifelong learning", professional development certificate
  4. TUSUR, 2019, "Digitalization of education: new opportunities and forms of implementation" professional development certificate
  5. TUSUR, 2019, "Electronic course in MOODLE system", professional development certificate
  6. City Business School, 2019, "Time Management", certificate
  7. TUSUR, 2016, "Educational technologies in technical university", Certificate of professional development
  8. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Professional Development "Tomsk Institute for Retraining of Personnel and Agribusiness", 2013, "Accounting and Management Accounting in Agricultural Organizations", advanced training certificate.
  9. TSU, 2013, "Implementation of the competence approach in the organization of students' independent work", professional development certificate
  10. Consultant LLC, 2011, Consultant Plus/Technology PROF, certificate
  11. Consultant LLC, 2010, Consultant Plus/Technology PROF, certificate
  12. TSPU, 2009, "Introduction of modern educational technologies in the educational process of vocational education and training", professional development certificate
  13. FSUE SPE TTEET, 2008, "Modular training", certificate
  14. TSU, 2008, "Development of training courses and educational programs in the logic of competency-based approach", certificate
  15. TSU, 2006, "Innovative Educational Technologies", professional development certificate
  16. TSU, 2006, "Strategies of Innovative Development of Education", professional development certificate
  17. TSU, 2005, "Management of development and implementation of educational institution development program", certificate
  18. "VUZ-Invest", 2004, "1C: Trade and Warehouse", certificate.

Certificate of Participation: 

  1. Expert session on the track "Financial Literacy" within the framework of the forum "Strong Ideas for New Times",
  2. Round table "Pledge Rule: Issues of Legal Regulation and Judicial Interpretation", December 1, 2023, Moscow.
  3. Webinar "Module2: Investment products: from simple to complex", "Literate Investor" project, Bank of Russia, 2023,
  4. Webinar "Module3: Choosing an Intermediary, Making Transactions, Paying Taxes", Literate Investor Project, Bank of Russia, 2023,
  5. VII All-Russian Legal Forum "Civil Law Regulation of Property Turnover: Major Problems and Practical Recommendations", ANO DPO "GARANT Educational Center", 20.09.2023,
  6. All-Russian online test on financial literacy, advanced level, Bank of Russia, 08.12.2022,
  7. Марафон полезных финансовых привычек "ФинЗОЖ Фест-2022", Минфин России, 2022.

Participation in conferences

International conferences

  1. XXII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Management: Analysis of Trends and Prospects of Development" September 24, 2015, Novosibirsk. Publication with the report "On the issue of mechanisms to ensure financial security of the Russian Federation"
  2. International scientific and methodological conference "Modern Education: practice-oriented technologies of engineering training" January 29-30, 2015, Tomsk TUSUR. Participation in the conference, publication of the report on "Main directions of modernization of the educational process infrastructure".
  3. International Insurance Forum of Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company. "Interaction between the state and insurance organizations: problems and prospects of development" June 8-9, 2011, Perm. Correspondence participation, publication of a report on the topic "Development of intellectual property insurance"
  4. XI Innovation Forum of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with international participation. Banking Research and Practice Conference "Sustainability of the Banking System and Investments: Current Situation, Problems and Prospects" October 11, 2008, Tomsk. Participation in the conference, publication of a report on "Banking Risks. Modern methods of bank risks management"

Interregional conferences

  1. Interregional scientific-practical conference "Innovative projects as a condition for the development of educational institution" February 25, 2011, Tomsk. Presentation, publication on the topic "Development of social partnership of the Tomsk Banking School (Technical School) with employers"
  2. IV Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference October 29, 2009, Seversk. Speech at the conference on the topic "Research activity of students of NOU SPE "Tomsk banking school (technical school)"

Regional conferences

  1. I Regional Student Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Kemerovo region "Youth and Innovation" November 29, 2012, Kemerovo. Correspondence participation. Management of research work on the topic "Universal electronic card - a guarantee of social protection of the population".
  2. Regional scientific-practical conference "Integrated approach in the formation of key and professional competencies" November 27, 2009, Tomsk. Presentation, publication on "Mechanism of development of interaction between employers and Tomsk Banking School (Technical School) in training a competent specialist on the example of development of cooperation with Tomsk regional branch of Rosselkhozbank".

Area of personal interests, personal achievements, titles

  • •Finance, banks, financial law, financial security, financial literacy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance, social and economic sphere + benefits, subsidies, allowances, economic security, analytics of normative acts, data from the sites of financial authorities and mass media.

Other positions: