Svetlana Gluhareva

Phone: (3822) 70-15-29
- • TSPU, 1995-2000, Faculty of History, specialization History and Philology.
Professional retraining:
- Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University", 2012-2013, Presidential program for training management personnel for the national economy of the Russian Federation, direction "Organization Management";
- "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics" (TUSUR), 2016-2017, Information security, 504 hours;
- Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University", 2020, Advanced technologies in the field of education and educational services, 250 hours;
- Internship in Finland “Management and cooperation in higher education sector”. 2013. Helsinki.
Refresher courses:
- Tops: building a career (author's course by Anton Timkin), FGAOU VO "National Research Tomsk State University", 15.12.2023-29.12.2023, date of issue: 15.01.2024,
- Fundamentals of prevention of destructive social influence on young people on the Internet in social networks, TPU, 36 hours, date of issue: April 28, 2023,
- TUSUR on the program "Information security and protection of state secrets", 72 hours, certificate, 15.03.2017.
- Udostovery Center of Siberia LLC, on the program "Integrated security of information systems", 36 hours, certificate, 29.06.2018.
- TUSUR on the program "Corporate services and resources of the electronic information and educational environment of the university", 18 hours, certificate, 12.12.2018.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Organization of the project for the development of online courses", 36 hours, certificate, from May 27 to June 21, 2019.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Development of continuing education programs taking into account the characteristics of the target audience", 72 hours, certificate, from November 28 to December 26, 2019.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Advanced Technologies in Education and Educational Services. Analysis and Specification", 32 hours, certificate, July 6-10, 2020.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Machine Learning", 16 hours, certificate, from July 13 to 17, 2020.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Advanced Technologies in Education and Educational Services. Specification and design", 36 hours, certificate, from July 20 to 24, 2020.
- Tomsk State University in the program "Cross-cutting technologies. Internet of Things, Robotics, Information Security", 80 hours, certificate, from September 16 to November 2, 2020.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Advanced Technologies in Education and Educational Services. Design and development", 54 hours, certificate, from September 21 to October 19, 2020.
- Tomsk State University on the program "Advanced technologies in the sphere of education and educational services. Development and implementation", 32 hours, certificate, from November 3 to 13, 2020.
- F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky on the program "Artificial Intelligence in Education: Reality and Prospects", 72 hours, certificate, from 5 to 23 November 2020.
- ANO DPO "Sberbank Corporate University" on the program "Digital Summer" track Cybersecurity, certificate, Moscow, from 06.08.2021.
- ANOE VO "Innopolis University" on the program "Applied Artificial Intelligence in Discipline Programs", 144 hours, certificate, from September 15 to November 30, 2021.
- TUSUR on the program "Organizational solutions and technologies of cooperation between education, science, business and government" in the form of internship, 16 hours, certificate, January 31, 2022.
- TUSUR on the program "Intensive course of English language (Elementary level)", 100 hours, certificate, December 20, 2022.
- OGBU "Tomsk Regional Resource Center" on the program "German for Business People", 90 hours, 2012.
- OGBU "Tomsk Regional Resource Center" on the program "Effective Management", 140 hours, 2015.
- TeleTrade «International Financial Markets and Basics Analysis and Trading», 16 hours., 2016.
- Higher School of Public Administration (Moscow) in the program "Financial Consulting", 72 hours, 2016.
- Regional School Technopark of ASASU. STEM-center "Neurocomputer interfaces". 16 hours, 2016.
- School of digital profiling Anton Larin "Digital profiling: remote diagnostics of personality" (Moscow), 32 hours, 2016.
- KAIZEN consulting on the program "Fundamental Laws of Development and Project Management" (Moscow), 16 hours, 2018.
- TSU, Tomsk Regional Competence Center for Online Learning "Project Manager for online course development, 2019.
- • Teaching experience since 1998.
Conference attendance:
- International Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Education" (2015-2022, Tomsk, TUSUR).
- All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Modern Technologies of Decision Support in Economics" (2016, Yurga, TPU).
- E.V. Armensky Interuniversity Scientific and Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Specialists (2016, Moscow, Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics).
- International scientific and technical and scientific-methodological conference "Modern technologies in science and education" (2016, Ryazan, Ryazan State Radio-Technical University).
- All-Russian interdisciplinary youth scientific conference "Problems of legal and technical protection of information" (2016, Barnaul, Altai State University).
- Youth Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Information Security in Banking and Finance" (2016, Moscow, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation).
- International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists. Scientific session of TUSUR. (2016-2020, Tomsk, TUSUR).
- All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Security of Information Space - 2017" (2017, Yekaterinburg, UrFU).
- All-Russian Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Economic Security: Financial, Legal and IT Aspects" (2017-2018, Tomsk, TUSUR).
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Electronic Means and Control Systems" (2019, Tomsk, TUSUR).
- International scientific and methodological conference "Modern trends in the development of lifelong learning: challenges of the digital economy" (2020, Tomsk, TUSUR).
- International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Prospects of Development of Fundamental Sciences" (2021, Tomsk, TUSUR).
Glukhareva, S.V. Formalized approach to assessing the level of reliability of employees of critical information infrastructure enterprises (CII) / A.A. Shelupanov, S.V. Glukhareva, M.M. Nemirovich-Danchenko // Prospects of Science. - 2023. - № 4 (163). - P. 16-24.
Modern state of finance and trends determining their development Avdyushina M.A., Davaasuren A., Ageeva E.V., Arbatskaya T.G., Banokin P.I., Bubnov V.A., Bubnova Y.B., Vasilieva M.N., Vakhrushkina E.S., Gavrilov Y.E., Gavrina A.S., Glukhareva S.V., Gorchakova M.E., Dalbaeva V.Y., Danilov R.M., Zhigas M.G., Zhilan O.D., Zandansuren O.U., Zvyagintseva N.A., Ivanova D.V., et al. Irkutsk, 2023.Modern payment technologies: 3d secure 2.0 Belozertsev E.E., Davydchenko P.Yu. In collection: Society and the Law. Materials of the fourth youth scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg, 2023. p. 243-250.
Fraud in the credit and financial sphere Davydchenko P.Y., Belozertsev E.E. In the collection: Society and the law. Materials of the fourth youth scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg, 2023. p. 275-281.
Selection of methods in the system of personnel evaluation Mukhacheva A.A. In Collection: International Scientific and Technical Conference of Young Scientists of V.G. Shukhov BSTU, dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the birth of V.G. Shukhov. Collection of reports of the International scientific and technical conference of young scientists of V.G. Shukhov BSTU. Belgorod, 2023. p. 694-698.
Decision support system in the system of personnel security of the enterprise Glukhareva S.V., Ivanova D.V., Grachev A.V., Pokhila E.Y. Reports Scientific Society. 2023. № 6 (38). p. 153-157.
- Avdyushina M.A., Ageyeva E.V., Andreev P.A., Andreeva E.V., Aladin V.T., Ardashev A.O., Asadullina N.R., Anzhenko T.A., Baldandorzhieva A.V., Barasheva E.V., Bakhmatov S.A., Belyakova K.M., Borisenko P.I., Bubnov V.A., Gavrilov Y.E., Glukhareva S.V., Gorchakova M.E., Grankin M.V., Dalbaeva V.Y., Danilov R.M., et al. Financial and legal literacy of economic subjects in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. Irkutsk, 2022. - 294 p.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Method of group project-based learning in the system of training of new generation personnel / S. V. Glukhareva, M. M. Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. M. Davydova, D. N. Buintsev // Modern Science-Intensive Technologies. - 2020. - № 4-1. - p. 110-114.
- Shelupanov, A. A. Assessment of employee reliability in the system of personnel security of the enterprise / A. A. Shelupanov, S. V. Glukhareva, M. M. Nemirovich-Danchenko // Reports of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. - 2021. - Т. 24. - № 4. - p. 52-57.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Method for assessing the level of reliability of employees in the system of personnel security of the enterprise (by the example of critical information infrastructure enterprises (CII) / S. V. Glukhareva // Reports of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. - 2022. - Т. 25. № 2. - p. 59-67.
- Shelupanov, A. Decision-making in the recommendation system of personnel security of the company / A. Shelupanov, M. Nemirovich-Danchenko, S. Glukhareva // В сборнике: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 18. Сер. «XVIII International Conference on Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development, PFSD 2021». [Electronic resource] - 2021. - Mode of access:
- Glukhareva, S. V. Threat model of the digital educational platform / S. V. Glukhareva, N. S. Repyuk // In Collection: Training of professional staff in Master's degree programs for the digital economy (PKM-2021). All-Russian scientific and methodological conference of master's students and their supervisors. Collection of the best reports of the conference. - St. Petersburg, 2022. - p. 199-202.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Technologies of trusted interaction in the system of personnel security of the enterprise (by the example of critical information infrastructure enterprises) / S. V. Glukhareva // In the collection: Modern education: integration of education, science, business and government. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference. - In 2 parts. - Tomsk, 2022. - p. 37-41.
- Avdyushina, M. A. Modern trends in the financial sphere / M. A. Avdyushina, E. V. Ageeva, S. V. Alakhverdieva, T. G. Arbatskaya, S. V. Glukhareva et al. - Irkutsk, 2021. - 458 p.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Assessment of employee reliability in the system of personnel security of the enterprise / S. V. Glukhareva // In collection: Prospects of development of fundamental sciences. Collection of scientific papers of the XVIII International Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists. - Tomsk, 2021. - p. 26-28.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Determination of competencies demanded in the labor market / S. V. Glukhareva // In the collection: Modern education: increasing the competitiveness of universities. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference, in 2 parts. - Tomsk, 2021. - p. 109-113.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Using a digital platform for cooperation between employers and educational institutions / S. V. Glukhareva, O. V. Kochetkov, Y. O. Loboda, O. I. Rekundal // In the collection: Modern Education: increasing the competitiveness of universities. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference, in 2 parts. - Tomsk, 2021. - p. 85-88.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Problems of motivation in group project-based learning / S. V. Glukhareva, M. M. Nemirovich-Danchenko // In the book: Modern trends in the development of lifelong learning: challenges of the digital economy. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference. - 2020. - p. 181-182.
- Orlova, V. V. Model of interaction between universities and enterprises based on neural networks / V. V. Orlova, Y. O. Loboda, O. V. Kochetkov, S. V. Glukhareva et al. In collection: Natural and intellectual resources of Siberia (SIBRESURS-26-2020). 26th international scientific and practical conference. - Tomsk, 2020. - p. 81-86.
- Abrosimova, M. E. Methodology for assessing the employee's potential in the system of personnel security of the enterprise / M. E. Abrosimova, S. V. Glukhareva // Collection of selected articles of the scientific session of TUSUR. - 2020. - № 1-2. - p. 123-125.
- Buryak, N. A. The use of neurointerface in personnel assessment within the framework of personnel security of the enterprise / N. A. Buryak, A. S. Shabalova, A. E. Borisov, S. V. Glukhareva // Collection of selected articles of the scientific session of TUSUR. - 2020. - № 1-2. - p. 129-131.
- Ladyzhets, P. V. Problems of lie detector application as an element of the enterprise personnel security system / P. V. Ladyzhets, S. V. Glukhareva // Collection of selected articles of the scientific session of TUSUR. - 2020. - № 1-2. - p. 141-144.
- Mareeva, E. V. Influence of global trends on the changing role of HR-specialist within the framework of personnel security of the company / E. V. Mareeva, S. V. Glukhareva // Collection of selected articles of the scientific session of TUSUR. - 2020. - № 1-2. - p. 144-147.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Evaluation of the intellectual potential of the employee in the system of personnel security of the enterprise / S. V. Glukhareva, M. A. Samoilova // Collection of selected articles of the scientific session of TUSUR. - 2020. - № 1-2. - p. 150-154.
- Ageeva, E. V. Digitalization of financial and credit sphere in modern Russia / E. V. Ageeva, M. A. Afanasova, A. S. Balandina, N. V. Balashova, S. V. Glukhareva et al. - Moscow-Berlin, 2019. - 407 p.
- Voronovich, A. A. Attestation of personnel using automated systems / A. A. Voronovich, S. V. Glukhareva // In the collection: Economic security: financial, legal and IT-aspects. Materials of the second All-Russian scientific and practical online conference. - 2019. - p. 171-176.
- Yaruskin, V. R. Classification of threats to economic security of the organization / V. R. Yaruskin, S. V. Glukhareva // In the collection: Economic security: financial, legal and IT-aspects. Materials of the second All-Russian scientific and practical online conference. - 2019. - p. 476-487.
- Parsheva, K. E. Expert systems for the evaluation of public civil servants / K. E. Parsheva, S. V. Glukhareva // In the collection: Economic security: financial, legal and IT-aspects. Materials of the second All-Russian scientific and practical online conference. - 2019. - p. 80-87.
- Gasymov, Z. A. Approaches to decision-making in the field of education based on the processing of additional biometric data of students / Z. A. Gasymov, M. M. Nemirovich-Danchenko, S. V. Glukhareva, Y. O. Loboda // Electronic means and control systems. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - 2019. - № 1-2. - p. 147-150.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Methodology of personnel selection for positions related to the processing of confidential information / S. V. Glukhareva // In: Security of Information Space - 2017. - Ekaterinburg: Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, 2018. N. Yeltsin, 2018. - p. 154-158.
- Parsheva, K. E. Selection of criteria in the personnel evaluation system at the stage of personnel selection / K. E. Parsheva, S. V. Glukhareva // Collection of selected articles of the scientific session of TUSUR. - 2018. - № 1-1. - p. 203-206.
- Ganiev, I. N. Using polygraph to ensure personnel security of the enterprise / Glukhareva S. V., I. N. Ganiev // In the collection: Economic security: financial, legal and IT-aspects. Materials of the first All-Russian scientific-practical online conference / Edited by A. A. Shelupanov, A. P. Kireenko. - Irkutsk: Baikal State University, 2017. - p. 42-47.
- Voronovich, A. A. Artificial intelligence in the system of personnel security of the enterprise / A. A. Voronovich, I. V. Krist, D. A. Devyaterikov, I. Y. Lysak, S. V. Glukhareva // In collection: Economic security: financial, legal and IT-aspects. Proceedings of the First All-Russian Scientific and Practical Online Conference / Edited by A. A. Shelupanov, A. P. Kireenko. - Irkutsk: Baikal State University, 2017. - p. 8-15.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Development of managerial competencies of higher school graduates / S. V. Glukhareva // In the collection: Modern education: problems of interrelation of educational and professional standards. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference. - 2016. - p. 23-24.
- Glukhareva, S. V. The role of polygraph in ensuring personnel security of the enterprise / S. V. Glukhareva // In the book: Interuniversity scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students and young specialists named after E. V. Armensky. Conference materials. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. - 2016. - p. 317-319.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Managing information about the employee at the stage of recruitment / S. V. Glukhareva, I. V. Krist // In Collection : Modern technologies of decision support in economics. Proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Yurginsky Technological Institute; ed. by A. A. Zakharova. - 2016. - p. 33-34.
- Glukhareva, S. V. System of increasing the efficiency of personnel labor activity with the help of restructuring the model of professional relationships / S. V. Glukhareva, D. A. Devyaterikov // In collection: Modern technologies in science and education - STNO-2016. proceedings of the international scientific, technical and scientific-methodical conference : in 4 volumes. Ryazan State Radio Engineering University; under the general editorship of O.V. Milovzorov. - 2016. - p. 143-145.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Technologies for the development of manager's potential to ensure personnel security of the enterprise / S. V. Glukhareva, E. A. Titorenko, V. K. Krivoguzova // In: Modern technologies in science and education - STNO-2016. Proceedings of the international scientific and technical and scientific-methodical conference: in 4 volumes. Ryazan State Radio Engineering University; under the general editorship of O.V. Milovzorov. - 2016. - p. 252-256.
- Glukhareva, S. V. The system of personnel security of the enterprise as a basis for information security / S. V. Glukhareva, K. E. Parsheva, N. N. Manchilaeva // In Collection: Problems of legal and technical protection of information - 2016. Collection of scientific articles of the IV All-Russian interdisciplinary youth scientific conference. - 2016. - p. 33-36.
- Glukhareva, S. V. Development of personal potential of university teacher as a necessary condition of his professional competence / S. V. Glukhareva // In: Modern Education: Practice-oriented technologies of engineering training. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference. - 2015. - p. 266-267.
- • Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 867579, Elibrary SPIN-код: 3378-1780)
- • Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: AAK-8198-2020)
- • SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 57194713248)
- • ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7155-329X)
- • Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: NFkag0wAAAAJ)
Award Documents:
- Letter of thanks as a curator of the program of the project "Digital Chair" TUSUR for the professional approach and responsible attitude to work in the implementation of the project "Digital Chair" TUSUR, 2024,
- Certificate of Merit for the organization and successful holding of the III International Forum on Cyber Security "CyberV", 2024
- Letter of thanks for active participation in the TUSUR 2024 Spartakiade,
Certificate of Merit for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism in training qualified specialists in the field of information and economic security and in connection with the 10th Anniversary of the Security Faculty of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 2024,
- Gratitude for the scientific guidance of the preparation of the report of I-stegree prize-winners on the topic "Application of gamification in assessing the reliability of the employee",
- Letter of thanks from the Faculty of Security for high results at the Faculty Sports Day in the discipline of darts, 2023,
- Certificate of Honor of TUSUR for many years of conscientious work. 2022,
- Letter of thanks from the Mayor of Tomsk I.G. Klein for conscientious work, professionalism and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Tomsk regional public organization "Association of trainees of the management training program for sectors of the national economy to promote the socio-economic development of the Tomsk region "Leader of the 21st century". 2019,
- Letter of Gratitude from the Head of the Leninsky District Administration for many years of labor, conscientious attitude to work, and in connection with the celebration of Teacher's Day. 2010.
- Certificate for participation in the Educational Program "Voice of a Generation. Teachers" from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation,
- Certificate of expert in the direction of the national social initiative forum "Strong Ideas for New Times" - 2023 from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Roscongress ahead of time,
- Certificate of expert in the direction of the national personnel initiative of the forum "Strong Ideas for New Times" - 2023 from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Roscongress ahead of time,
- Certificate for successful completion of the regional stream of the educational program "Woman Leader" in the Siberian Federal District.
Results of intellectual activity, patents:
Glukhareva S.V., Shelupanov A.A., Eremenko A.S., Maltsev V.E., Mareeva E.V., Abrosimova M.E. System of personnel security of enterprise. Computer program. Certificate № 2019616940.
Area of research and scholarly interests:
- • Enterprise human resources security; digitalization; personnel assessment, expert activity.
Area of personal interest, personal accomplishments, titles:
- Winner of the regional Digital Breakthrough competition, 2019.
- Medal of the competition "Siberian Athens" in the category "New Scientific Developments and Technologies" for "Enterprise Personnel Security System", 2018.
- Diploma for 3rd place in the Presidential tournament on management duels, Tomsk, 2017.
- Team member ranked in the top 100 university teams in Archipelago 20.35, 2020.
- Winner and finalist of the regional stage of the V All-Russian competition of professional skills of teachers "My Best Lesson", 2010.
- Laureate of the regional competition for the best project, lesson development on modern technologies of vocational education, 2009.
- STI expert on evaluation of digital services
- Public STI expert
- ASI's regional expert in the Tomsk Region in the Education and Personnel area
- Expert of the All-Russian contest of practices and youth employment
- Expert of the "Strong Ideas for New Times" contest
- Semifinalist of the Leaders of Russia competition in SFD, 2017-2018.
- Head of the project "Digital HR", commissioned by Polus, which won the TUSUR&Business partnership project competition 3 times.
- German. Proficiency level B2
Other positions:
Department of Complex Information Security of Computer Systems
Senior lecturerAddress: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, 510Phone: (3822) 70-15-29
Campus phone: 2959
Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 867579, Elibrary SPIN-код: 3378-1780)
Web of Science (Web of Science ResearcherID: AAK-8198-2020)
SCOPUS (SCOPUS AuthorID: 57194713248)
ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7155-329X)
Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: NFkag0wAAAAJ)