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Valentin Zyuzkov

Профессор Department of Computer Control and Design Systems
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Старший научный сотрудник
Address: Tomsk, 74 Vershinina Street, office 328
Phone: (3822) 41-47-17
Campus phone: 2045

Mathematics Researcher, Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Tomsk State University.

Professor at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Department of Computer Control and Design Systems.

Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher.

45 years academic experience.

Author of 99 scientific, academic and teaching publications.

Author of 10 Academic Methodological Association-approved and one Ministry of Education-approved teaching aids (imperative, logical and functional programming, mathematical logic and algorithm theory, computer algebra).

Undergraduate/graduate teaching (in the form of lectures, practical and laboratory classes): computer science; computer algebra; mathematical logic and algorithm theory; artificial intelligence.

Further education teaching for university teachers of mathematics. Active user of Mathematica and CDF format (Computable Document Format).

Winner of various scientific and academic awards:

• Honorary diploma and gift from Kemerovo region Administration “For invaluable contribution to development of Kuzbass and for support of a teaching dynasty tradition” (2007).

• Medal of Merit in commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of Tomsk.

• “300 Best University Textbooks in Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg” (2006).

• Lapel pin as an “Honorary Faculty of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” (2008).

Academic interests: mathematical logic, algorithm theory, functional programming, computer algebra, experimental mathematics, theory of numbers.

Language proficiency: Intermediate level of English.

Personal interests: traveling, literature, psychology, philosophy


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