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Pavel Kernyakevich

Sor 4081
Associate Professor Department of Economics
Кандидат экономических наук
Address: Tomsk, 146 Krasnoarmeiskaya, office 106







2004 - PhD in Economics, Tomsk State University

1999 - Master 's Degree in Information Systems (Economics), Information Systems in Economics, Tomsk Polytechnic University

1997 - bachelor 's degree in management in the direction "Management" Tomsk Polytechnic University (specify the name of the university)



Has 13 years of teaching experience


Scientific activities and areas of scientific interest:

Investments, defense industry complex

Author of more than 70 scientific, educational and methodological works


Elibrary (Elibrary AuthorID: 341327, Elibrary SPIN-код: 5590-2955)

ORCID (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5229-4237)

Google Scholar Citations (Google Scholar Citations User: gfwTN34AAAAJ)